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Praise & Worship Time

May 8, 2022

Mother’s Day


 The music ministry uses music in some way to serve God. Service to God through the music ministry is generally expressed as service to the congregation of a church. Encouraging believers, supporting the sermon, praising and worshipping God and sharing the gospel with nonbelievers through song are all responsibilities of a music ministry. Other essential roles include gathering people for the beginning of a service, unifying a group for worship, providing segues between parts of a service and entertaining the congregation. Although the choice of song and style of music differ across congregations, the definition and purpose of a music ministry are universal.

Music and church go hand-in-hand. One exists to glorify the activities of the other. Without the sound of vocals or instruments signifying music’s presence, the church would appear gloomy and wouldn’t be able to serve its purposes fully. “In the presence of God, there is fullness of joy” is a biblical statement that encapsulates music.

Bro. James Tyson

Music Director

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