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Mt. Zion had its inception in 1886 in Bakersfield under the leadership of Rev. Matt Stevens. 13 people of all faiths joined him because they were Christians and wanted a place to worship. As the number parishioners grew and as the Baptist grew in the majority, they pulled away and moved to 13th & P Street and was called the Second Baptist Church. It was a rented one room structure, with wooded blocks for the foundation.

 After several years of worship on 13th St., that property was sold and the church then purchased the property at the present sight at the corner of California Avenue and P Streets. Mrs. Fanny Price Reese, one of the Charter Members who had come to Bakersfield from San Francisco, donated the money to buy the land on which Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church is now located and also donated the money to have the church built. They began to build, using concrete blocks for their main construction material. At this time, Mary Small of Oakland and her sister Lois Small along with other men and women, carried sand to help make mortar for the construction.

It was during Rev. B.B.B. Johnson pastorate that the name of the church was changed to the present name of Mt. Zion and in 1912, the church became incorporated.

In the year 1919, during the pastorate of the Rev. W.M. Dixon, the church parsonage was purchased and several years later under the leadership of Rev. S.A. Crawford, the church Tabernacle was built.

The next few more years saw a succession of “many men of the cloth” each with unique ways but all striving to lead the Mt. Zion members in the way that God had directed them to do.

In 1938, Rev. H.A. green accepted the pastorate. His salary was $20.00/week. At this time the membership of Mt. Zion was very small, but with God’s guidance, the church body increased. It was at that time that Rev. & Mrs. Green began implementing and executing many of our Church organizations such as Sunday School, B.T.U., Choir, and Missionary society.

But as the Lord “increased the church” there was a need to expand. In 1948, the plan to built Mt. Zion Baptist Church was seeing light. As a result of several meetings, Mr. Liverpool agreed to modify the original plans and built the existing Mt. Zion Baptist Church.

During the pastorate of Rev. Green, Mt. Zion became a member of: St. John District Association with Rev. Green as Moderator for many years, California Baptist State convention where Rev. Green served as 1st Vice President  and the National Baptist Convention. 

After many years of faithful service, Rev. Green’s health began to fail and his passing created a void and again schism was experienced.

In January of 1971, Rev. Alfonso L. Dirks was installed as Pastor of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Transitional change was once again thrust upon the congregation, but the remaining members banned together to "start anew". Bro. Carrel Cade (now Minister Cade) and Minister H.T. Calhoun (now Rev. H.T. Calhoun) reactivated the Jr. Brotherhood and their leadership offered opportunity for the youth to obtain state positions. 

During the pastorate of each minister, creativity and ingenuity were exercised to the fullest. Under Rev. & Mrs. Dirks (Mrs. Helen Lindsay) a complete church renovation took place. Additional property was purchased and several existing committees were implemented. 

After 12 years of faithful and dedicated service to Mt. Zion BC, Rev. Dirks was called home to his creator.

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Website Created by: Edna Buckner

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