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Every established organization needs administrative support and organizational management. Churches are no different, and many meet their organizational needs through church auxiliaries. Some auxiliaries act as secondary bodies of the church. The main goals of the auxiliary are to assist in ensuring the viability of the church as well as to give members an opportunity to offer their service and leadership.

The Bible clearly calls all Christians to a ministry of speaking truth. This call is not limited to teaching truth in a formal setting, but includes any avenue of speaking truth in the lives of others. Whether we consider ourselves mature believers or not, we are called to speak truth in whatever capacity we are able. Ministry falls on the lap of every believer. Peter exhorts, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10). This verse assumes that every believer has been gifted - gifted for the purpose of service to the body of Christ. He has provided the gifts and has enabled believers to serve one another in ministry (1 Cor 12:6). These gifts are numerous, but they all function for the unity and building up of the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:7; Rom 12:3).

The Bible assumes that every Christian will serve with the gift that God supplied. We are to serve “as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” Thus, joining a Church Auxiliary will be a manifestation of using the God given talent and gift in the furtherance of God’s Commandments of serving others.

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Website Created by: Edn Buckner

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